2 2 4 ZbePoo? fflano atnitpZook. of the body, and a lifeeverlafting, this is not a Believ- ing God. 2. Therefore the ufe that you muff make of the Tea- chers ofthe Church is, to help you to know what God bath revealed, what is his word ; and fo to Believe and pradife it : and not meerly to believe the. Priefas them- felves. 3. Yet a certain belief of Them in their places, is, needful towards the promoting of your 'belief of God. As he that cannot read, and is unlearned muff believe that what is Read is in the Bible, and that the tranfla-. Lion in the main agreeth with the Original, and that this Bible isthe fame which the Church received from the Apoffles, and fuch like. He that will believe his Teacher in nothing, can learn nothing ofhim. 4. But this humane faith is another thing, quite dif- ferent from the Belief of God ; And it is but a fubor- dinatehelp to , and no part of it. Ifman be not God, to believe man is not to believe God. Therefore if you íhouldbelieve all the Creed,andall the Volumes of Councils and Canons, meerly as the teftimony of the Church, or whatever elfe you takeonly on your Teach- ers word, remember that it is no part of your Divine faith or Religion, but only an appurtenance to it (good or bad, as the matter is.) So far as you learn of and believe your Teachers, you are a Learner and Difciple of theirs ; and by themmay be taught to know what is the wordandwillof(e) Chriß : Which muff be known by its proper evidence, which they muft 'hew you, and not upon their bare wordalone : For to be a Teacher is to thew you that Truth and Reafon of believing, which (e) i Pet. z.2 t. they