Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ano famíïp "Soak. 2 Z 5 they have learnt themfelves. But tobe an Áuthoritati ie (f) Lord of your faith, is another thing; And fuch fay, Believe becarafe wefpeak,it. Bùt fo far as you have Learned byyour Teachers, what is the word and will of (g) Chrift, and believe and obey it becaufe it is his word, fo far you are indeed .a Chritian and Religi- ous. 5. Therefore if any tell you, [ This or that is the wordofGodlor [`1bis is the true meaning ofthe word God,] this is my cout fel, and this is your duty ; `I: If they be fuch asyou are obliged to hearken to, as being your Teachers, or men of credit in fuch things, hear whatthey can fay, as one that{'s willing to Learn . the truth ; And hear what others fay- agáinft it : For it's hard to judge in Controverfie5 where both fides are not heard, (if the difficulty be cónfiderable.) 2. Be not hafly to conclude off or on, that it is true or falfe ; But continue meerly as a Learner till you know by all their Teaching, that the thing is true. And tell them in the mean time, (I {¿now not whether it befo or not : I will not pretend to be wifer than I am: I will be a Learner ; thatfo Imay come to be a Believer ofit as a truth of God, as foon as I have learnt into befos j Either the thing is True or falfe before you believe it. If it be,Falfe, no Teachers or Church can make it True, notcan Phew you the real evidence of Truth in it : Therefore ifyou believe it,whoever tell it you, you are guilty ofbelieving a falfbood fathered upon God, when it had no evidence. If you fay, that their Evi- dence feemed good to you ; that was, becaufeyou were (f) Z Cor. I. 24> C9' fcà. IS (g) Cor. 2. S. i Thef. I 8. C2, infully