.... a26 11 e .Ot12 I,- an fatytíip finfully rafh and hafty, in receiving falfhood, and not fcaying till you had time to (h) try it to the full. > But ifthe thing pfove True, yet it cannotbe. expected that you receive ir, till you have time fufficiently to (i) try ir. Nor can it be Paid, that,your delay being dangerous, you muft prefently receive it on your Teachers word For that is but to be aBeliever of a man And that 'which a man .cannot know, to be Gods word, without time to try and fee the evidence, iris in vain to fay, he Mafldo ir. And when a man bath firft received both all the Effentialsofthe Chriftian Religion before men- tioned, and. all the doc`rines, and all the expofitions of Scripture, which the Generalityof Chriftians in all ages have agreed in, together with all the Light and Law of 'nature ; the Controverfes which remain, can be of no filch neceflìty, as That we mutt nerds make hafte to be- lieve men that tell us they are Gods truth, before we have time to proveand learn it to be fo indeed. Whoever therefore be your Teac'`lters, or whatever Church pretendeth to inform yen, Call nothing Gods truthor word, till you have fu,cient Evidence to prove it fo ; But continue as Learners in that doubt which you cannot overcome, till you can be (k) Divine believers: And if you do believe any thing meerly on your Teachers word, fay plainly, I believe you as a mania this ; Best it is no part ofmy Religion and Belief rf fGod, till Ifind indeed that it d+ h.s word, . Follow there ten Direc`fions, and you will be fafe- aryainft all the divifions, and clamours of contenders, that fay, Here is the Church and rru.h, and there is the Church and truth. And when fees and reafonings make (h) i Mel.; .2i (i)Cal.6.q.:(1;) I TheJ,2, 13. others