eepaq ano fAmílp11314..- 127 others at their wits end, your way will be fure and plain beforeyou. S. How clear haveyou made that cafe to me which I thought would have utterly bewildred and confound= edme! P. VIII. The eighth Temptation which I muff -fore- warnyou of, is this : You will be in danger to z:ifake the nature of the Chriftian Religion, by minding only fame parts of it, and overlooking the refit (and perhaps the greateft) and taking up With the Jeparated farts alone. Gods word is large,and mans mind is narrow : And we are apt when we obfervefomething, to think that it is all. So force are fo intent on Duty, that they have poor thoughts ofGrace andmercy : And forne think that the magnifying ofGrace, obligeth them to vilifie inherent holinef, and performed duty. And nothing is now more common than to fet Truth againíf Truth, and duty againft duty; when they are fuch as God cotajoyneth. But the inflance that I will now warn you of is this : The true nature of Religion is nothing elfe, but [Faith turning the foul by Repentance from the APandworld, to the Love andPraif `e and obedienc e of God, in the yoyful Hope of the Heavenly Glory.] Read this over and over again. Now the too common cafe of Chriflians is, To live fo much in the ufe of meer felf-love and fear, as that almoft all the notable exercife of their Religion is but a timorou6 care to be fitved; and an enquiring after mark,,, or other ways by which they may know that they fhall be faved ; and a performingofduty as an heavy but neceffary task, tha t theymay befaved : But that which you muff aim at is, . [7o