228 Sie $Pcsw ;,',ano famíïp QDit. [Tofludy much Gods wondrous Love in Chrifi, and the Certainty andGreatnefs of the HeavenlyGlory .4nd fo far to mournforfin as it tendeth to magnifie Grace, and to cleanfe andpreferve the heart and Life ; And to live in the confiant Delights of Divine Love, and joyful ?hangsgiving,and Praifes to our Creator, Redeemer and Saner, and in the Belief and Hopes of life everlafi- ing; 4nd out of Love to God and man, to delight in confiant obedience to God, and in doing all the good that we can do in the world ; And in this way Co traufi God luietly andgladlywith body andfoul. This is true Religion : And weepingforfin, and par- ticular ordinances muff not be negleffed, but efteemed onlyas lower parts,which are but ftepping ffones to this afcent, and never tobe fet againft it,nor our chiefeft care to be (pent upon them. S. I thank you for this warning : for Iperceive by this that true Religion is a very noble anda pleafant life. But wog good people that I have known do but ask,what they(hall do to be faved, and beg fora fofrer heart that can weep for fin, and keep on in hearing, prayer and Sacraments. And the Praifes ofGod do talk, up but a little room in their devotions, (except force that do itby way of erroneous oppofition to humili- ation and Confegion of fin.) And Divine Love, and the yoyes of faith and Hope and holinefs, are little fan.