Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

113e Poo? Anzfomiip'Zook. P. IX. Your next and fore Temptation will be, to (1)abate your zeal and diligence by degrees, and to grow to a cuftomary coldnefs and formality, and toje all the life ofyour Religion.All your fpiritual vigor will die away into a Carkafs and Image, if you be not care. ful toprevent it. S. What wouldyouhave me do to prevent it..? P, i. Let your firft and chief Labour be every day .about your Heart : fir up your foul when you find it ,fiuggifh. Learnhow to preach to it in your medita- tions ; and to (rn) chide it, and urge it to its work. 2. Live under the livelieft Miniftry, and in the molt ferious Chriftian company you canget : or if that may not be, fupply that want by reading the mofi lively fe- riaus books. 3. Takeheedof turning your Religion and Zeal to by Opinions and Parties inftead of the lif: and praftice offaith, hope and Love. For a facftious, wrangling, con- tentious zeal, is as .dellru Live of true holy zeal, as a Feavor is ofnatural heat and life. 4. Takeheed of growing in Love with the world : For as the thoughts of Riches, .and Riling grow fireet to you, the thoughts ofGod and Heaven will grow life- leis and itnpleafant. 5. Take heedoffinningwilfully : for all fuch fin loth harden theheart, and forfeit the quickening help of the fpirir. 6. Holdon in the Life of all Gods ordinances For (1) Rev.2.4,5. c 3.15, 1' . 1lLzt. 24. i 2. (m) rfat 4.2.5.ii.c2-q_3.5. Q 3 interrrriffionì