. . VIDE poN Moat,. i nternufliaru.and asnconfi"ancy tendeth to a total negleCt .nd-a contented courfe oflifelefs duty, tendeth to fpiri- tuai death it fe1f. P. X. Your next Temptation is the dreadfulleft of all the reft : Youmay be Tempted at lafl' to doubt whether the Scripture be the wordof God, and whether Chrift be indeed'the SonofGod, and whether there be Hea- en a id Hell, and Immortality of the foul. And this may; befall you, r. Either by the company or books of Infidels or Athetfs,who prate againft the Scripture and the life to come : 2. Or elfe by the malicious fuggeíli- ons of Satan, ftirring up in you unbelieving thoughts : 3 ?But efpecially in cafe of melancholy, which is a difeafe of the body which giveth himgreat advantage to molefI the mind with blafphemous temptations : fo that he will drawyou to doubt whether there be a God, or whe- ther he be the Gov..rnour of the world , or whether Chritt`be true, or Scripture be Gods Word : And here he Will let before you the texts which you underfand nor, and perfwade you that they are contradiefory, and all( you, Is it likely that this or this fhould be true? And thus will your very foundation be affaulted, And the confeeluent may be either very trouble/1me or very dangeropo to you, If you do abhor thefe fugg ftions, it will be a torment to you, to be followed with fuch odious hideous motions : Though as long as you abhor them, they will not condemn you. But if you pati- ently hearken to them, then your danger will be great. S. d prayyou open the danger to me, that I may the tnore.c'read it and avoid it. P. If God do not by his Grace fir up your foul to 41-ell andcall away fuch thoughts, or fhew;J you by his It