ZOe PON :ratio fa8nglp Zook. 231 Light the falfenefs of them, they may bring you to Atheifm or Infidelity it felf ; and your later end will be worfe than your beginning. But if you do not turn profeffed Infidel, yet if your doubts or unbelief be the ftronger party in you, they will make you an Hypocrite which is a fecret ,Ifnidel : For while you prevalently doubt of the life to come , and whether the Scripture be Gods word, you will take this life as your furefl portion, and you will fecretly refolve tofave your life and worldly profperity, andput the matters of the life to come upon a venture ; You will never dienor be undone for Chrift, nor ever win Hea- venwith the lofs of earth ; but only take up that Reli- gion which is moll in fafhion, or which -.may belt quiet your Confcience in a flefhly worldly life : And you will hope that if there be a Heaven you may have it as a referve when you can keep the world no longer ; But becaufe it feemeth fo uncertain to you, you will hold fail what you have in prefent as long as you can. Therefore in all Controverfies and matters of Religion youwill have an Indiferency,covered with the name of Moderation ; For he that doubteth of all Religion,canin cafe of danger be of any, while indeed he is heartily of none : And he that doubt eth whether there be à Hea- ven,will not much (tick with you about the way to it : And he that heartily believeth not in Chrift, will not be very fcrupulous about hisdotrinr:s or commands. Thus ferret unbelief or prevalent doubting of the Chriflian truth, will make, men rniferable Infidel- Hypocrites. S. ¡,tremble to thinl;,o f fogreat a- danger : and the more becaufe that I find not my felf able to defend the faith againf a R,abtile adverfary and deceiver. milt what if I f o tld be b,-oatyht into Doubting, tell all Dou5ting /hive lácçh [fa" and dausnable i1 its f No