Cue pm? ,Famíi*p Zook. 7 we may f new that we (1) are the Children of God ? And that knowing it, we may :Rejoyce, even with un- füeakable glorious joy ? And that Believers are Com- manded to Rejoyce in the Lord, yea alwayes to Re- joyce ? And Gods word cannot be falle, nor doth it command the (m) ungodly thus to Rejoyce : There- fore certainly aman may knowwhether he is the Child of God, ornot. S. I never thought offo much before ass you have toldme : I cannot deny it. Tut I mujß confefs that I have nofueh knowledgeofmyfelf. P. lie not offended with me, if I freely proceed upon your own confeffion. Have you no affuranceof your falvation ? nor certain knowledge what cafe your foul is in ? Tell me truly, what care, what (n) di- ligent, labour have you ufed to have made all lure ? Is it becaufe you could not get affurance ? or becaufe you would not doyour part ? Can you truly fay that you have fet your heart upon the matter, and made it the greateft ofyour care and labour in this world, and left nothing undone which you were able to do,tomake lure ofeverlafting life ? S. I would Icould fayfo ; But I confefss I cannot : God forgive me, I have had fame Pallor thought of thefe matters upon the by ; But I never laid outjuch ferious thoughts, filch earneji labours upon them as you fpcak.of. P. Have you not ? I am lorry to know it : I3 ut I pray you tell me what is it that hath hindred you ? (i) 2 Cor.r.r2. Ga1.6.4. Heb.3.6. Phil.3.i, G 4, 4, PM. 33.r.Roná.5.7.. 17'hef r6. r Pet.1.6,8.(rn)I. 9.1.h) 2 Pet. 1.1o. Ifa.55.1,6, 1o.Mat.G. 33. ¡ui7, 6.27 ; B 4 S.