Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Z 3z Si)ePON :3ano faatftp P. N6 : The queflion will be whether your Faith oryour Vnbelief be the _granger and more prevalent, If your Doubting be ftronger than your Belief, then you will be an Infidel -Hypocrite ; -and will have no Religionbut what Tai! give place to your worldly in- terefk ; andwill never forfake all for Chrift ; and God and Chrift and Heaven muff come under the world and the flefh ; And while, left it fhould prove true that there is a life to come, you will think it neceffary r have forre Religion, it will indeed-be none ; becaufe it maketh God no God, and Chrift no Chrifl, and Heaven no Heaven, by putting them after or below the world. But if your Belief beflronger than your Vnbelief o doubting, then it will not only refill fueh temptations,but it will Rill keep up the Interefi of Godand Heaven and Chr di and Holinefs inyour heart; and your faith,though weak, will (n) overcome the world: your Refolutions to forfake all for Chrift and Heaven will be firm and corfllnc : you will go on in the ferious life of all the means of your falvation : you will forfake the gain- .falleft and fiveeteft fns : you will perform the harden: and the deareft duties.And though your graces will be all the weaker, and your life the worfe, tor the weaknefs of your faith ; yet you will rather die or let go all, than forfake your maffer,or hazard your hopes of life eter- nal And a long as your doubts or unbelief are thus overcome, by a faith that is weak, but granger than they, though you cannot fay, I am ccrtaîn that there u another life, or that the Scripture is the word of God, yet Chrift will take you for truebeliever. (a) T. 79h.5é4.. H.'b.I I.