Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

epePeN ano famfIp 'Zook. 2 3 3 S. This is comfortable : Rut me thinks then all men "bold be faved, though they have no Belief, but the sneer discerning of a pofiibility of another life. For all men are molt certain that they muff die ; anda little time is even as nothing ; and all the pleafures of this littletime, are but a doating dream, and vanity, and vexation ihameth them all. If then we are mofl certain that tkre is no true felicity here, and that byfeeking a better we have nothing here to lofe that's worth the keeping, common reafon will tell any man that he fhould let goall,for thefmalleßhope or,çoffìbility of an end- lefs heavenly Glory : For no m/n in the world can fay, I am lure there is no Heaven¿r Hell ; And all can fay, We are fuze there is nothing but ay Very íhort dream ofvanity here. Andwhat need faith then for the de- termining offoplain a cafe ? P. You fpeak a great deal of Reafon : But you muft confider r? That Reafon in all (o) carnal men, is much enflaved to their fenfe,and cannot rightly do its office, Do you not fee it in drunkards, fornicators, gluttons, and all voluptuous perlons, how they daily go againft the plaineft Reafon, yea and their own knowledge , through the violenceof fenfe ? And Reafon it Pelf alto is oft bribed and (p) blinded to take part with fenfu- ality. As vain as this world is, it hath the Heart of every carnal man ; And that Realmwhich if all turn it out ofhis Heart, muff ¡hew him a Better in a power- ful manner, and that muff be with a certainty, or with fo ftrong a probability as feemeth to him near to cer- tainty: yea and this muff be powerfully pre1ented to (o) Rom.8.5 ,6,7,8,9 (p) ? Cor. 14. bis