Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

234 be, pop? i;ano J nílp?soot. his raind, by Gods fpirit within, (to heal his blindnefs and fenfual violence) as weld as by the word with- out. 2. And this apprehenfion ofReáfon,. muff be by (q): faith ; (which is a Rational Aft.) How far the Na- tural Evidence of a Life to come, may carry thofe that have not the G.ofpel, I now pats by But we that have both. Natural andSupernatural Revelation of it, do find all littleenough ; And that without a prevalent Belief ofthe Gofel, the Heart will not be turned from this world to God, nor Senfuality be truly turned into Ho- linefs,, or overcome. S. But I heard aZ Learned manfay, that if Infidels were turnedbofe to difpute withprofefjors againfl Chri- ffianityand` the Scriptures, they would falence mofl of the very J uini flers themfelves ;; and findus far harder tworljhanAaabaptils, .Antinomians, or Separatifis, or any other fee. eAnd iffo, what (hall fate!) ignorant perfons as I do and what certainty or [lability of faith. can Iexpea tohave -and keep ? It is the merciful providence of God which commonly to ordereth it, that Weak.and Toting Chrifli- ans have but weak:Yemptations to unbelief. Their Temptations at fira are ßrongtif unto fenfuality and the Love of the world, and not to Infidelity it felt. And- then they are more troubled with Doubtings about their ownfincerity.,than about the truth of the word of God. You fee lomewhat like it in every tree that groweth in the earth : Whether do you find more young plants and little trees, or more old and Great ones . overturnedwith the winds ? -------- (q) Heb.r r..G.llat..r S. Mare