IncPoo? nano fatniIp 1$061t.. S. More oftheoldandgreat ones. P. And what is the Caufeof it? S. Becaufe the Great ones more refft the wind, and it hath a fullerftrolZeat them. P. And yet the young and little ones have fo little rooting, that if they felt the tenth part of the force which falleth on the bigger, it would overthrow them. But the wife God fo ordereth it, that theRoots and the Top fhall equallygrow together ., that fo the winds may of fault the top, no ftronglier than the roots can bear. And fo hedealeth with young believers.. But thofe hy- pocrites that grow all in the top of outride ations and profeffions, and not at all in the Roots of inward Faith and Love, are they that fall in times of tryal. 2. And then you muff know that it is not the molt (r)fubtil wit, but themofl f tnzti f ed. heart, which bath the belt advantage againft Temptations to unbelief And therefore young (f) Chriftians, that have but little Learning mayEland, whenLearned Dodorsl, (t) fall and perifh. AndGod hath not fo ordered the Evidences of Chriftianity, asthat the fineft wits muff alwayes make the beff believers. S. Ipray you tell me then, how I must be eflabli!bed againi allYemptations to unbelief, and how Imuftprove the truth ofChrift,and the GoJfrel to be indeed the word ofGod, ro as that I mayRand fait againft the fubtileft Realnings ofunbelievers, and may truft Clods word, to theforfaing of lifeand all. P. This cafe is of it felf fo great and weighty, as that I cannot fufificiently fpeak to it, in this short difcourfe: 23 5 (r) ey-Wat.I I. 25. G 16. 17. (f) Fph. 3.17, 18, I9. Co1.2.7 . (r) lLlat.I j.5,21. B;,;t