Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ILDt Pool ano famíCpZook. .,s But I advife you ferioufly to read of it what I have writ- ten inaBook called The Life of faith:Part 2,. And if that do not fatisfie you, read throughly what I have written in four Books more, 1. In onecalled The Rea- fous_ of the Chriflian Religion : 2. One called, More .leaponsfor theChriflianReligion : 3. One called, The nreafonablenefs ofinfidelity: and4. In the fecond part ofTeSaints Refl. But yet I ihalJ now tell you enough to ftablifh you, ifyou canbut underftand much in few words. You muflknow therefore what your Baptifmal Pro. feffon cloth contain, when you B-elieve in the Father, the onand the HolyGhofl. S. I think you will maks the $aptifmal Covenant rvefor all things,from fcrfl to laß ! P. As the Father Reconcileth us to Himfelf by the Son, who came as his Meff'enger from Heaven to make known God and life eternal to mankind ; fo the Falber and theSon, do fend the Holy Ghoflb into the fouls of men to be Chrif. s Advocate, Agent and Witneft in the wcr:d ; So that in one word, It is (u) the Holy fpirit that is the proof of the truth of (-brig, andof the Gofpel. S. But Ihave heard Preachersfpeak much againfl tLois Argument, andfay, that I .`Thus no man can k,now that Chrifl and theGofpel are true, but he that bath the feirit. Andwhat thenJL;all we fay to Infidels to con- vince theme 2. 4n4 that thus every Phanatickthat think; hebath the fpirit, will make hirnfif the only judge. 3. And that fewGodly men do feel filch a teflimony of theffirit in themfelves,asto tell them what is and what is not Gods word ; 4, And if they did, How fball they ¡ 1Itb.70.15. i Th.5.7o. prove