Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

eDepooh / ano J atntip orh. 137 prove that it is indeed Gods fpirit, and no delufion Se that when our Catechifms fay, that only the witnefs of the fpirit can afire us that the Gofpel is the word of God, many learnedmen cry fhpme upon that ofjertion. P. That is becaufe that thofe Catechifines have not made them underftand the matter, one fide or both not knowingwhat is meant here by the teftimony of the fpirit ; or elfe they fpeak of another thing. Phanaticks mean ; An inward impulfe or .Actual word orfuggeftion of the fpirit within them, Paying or per- fwading their minds that this is the word of God. But this is not the thing that I am fpeaking of. But I will better tell you, How theHolySpirit is the Advocate and Witnefs of Chrift. The Holy Spirit is fent by the Father and the Son, to do that on fouls, which none but Godcan do, and which God dot') not do by any other means but by Chrift, his fervantsand his doCrine. Thii work of the (x) fpi- rit is theextraordinary expreplanand impreffion of Gods Threefold perfetions, his P 0WER, his W I S- DOM and his GOOD NE S S. This way the Spirit is witnefs ofChrift. I. Before his coming, in the(y)Prophets and the fr$E.. ditionof the Covenant of Grace,where i.Many miracles; 2.Aword of Divine Wifdom and Prophefies(fulfilled ;) 3.And themercy and holinefs of God,wereall expreffed. II. In Chrifit own (z)perfon,and his life appeared the (x)2 7'im. I. 7. I Pet. i.2. (y) i Pst.I. I I.Ifa. 59. 21. (z) yob. 3.34. :fob. ,3z, 33. 4,3. I. Mat. 12. i li. Tfa. I I. 2. fame