238 'type pooz, ano feartílp300%. fame Divine Imprefhons and Expreffions of the Holy Spirit, i. In the (a) Power which he exercifed in working abundance of uncontrolled Miracles; Healing all difeales by his word, Raifing the dead, and iinally. Riling from the dead himfelf, and after forty dayes abode on earth, Afcending vifibly up to Heaven while his Difciples gazed after him. 2. The wifdom of God was notably Imprinted on all tha:Holydottrine, by which he brought Life and Immortality to light, and taught men to knowGod, and life eternal. 3. Love and Goodnefs were moll. confpicuous in his wonderful work ofmans Redemption, his condefcenfion, his fufferings, his Covenant of grace, with all the reft of his decla- rations of theFathers Lave and holinefs. And thus the fpirit on Chrift him felf (which alfo in a vifible fhape fell upon him at his Baptifm) was his Witnefs. I I I. In the Perfons and lives of Chri f s (b) Apofiles and chief Difciples, (who were the Witnefes and Re- porters of his own Words and Miracles) the fame Im- pre f ons and Expreffions of the Holy Spirit appeared, as the witnefs of the truth of Chrift : I, While they de- clared his wordandMiracles, 'they wrought abundance -thenifelves (or rather God by them) to prove that they 'were true witneffes of Chríft : They healed the lick and raifed the dead, and ,edged and deffroyed force ol.d ftinate enemies of Chrift, by the m. eer power of God. 2.The wifdom of God did notably appear in the light and (a) Rom.I.4..Fleb.3.3,¢.A0.7. 22. (b) Rev. Ig. io. 16,i8.;¡oel 2.28. Ga/.3 Zech.g., 6. 2'0.2.4- 6-6.10. I Cor.4.I0,I2. I Cor. 2,4,7,8)9;1 I. d- 14.2. F.p'a:3.5. Aas ,34. I CoP5:4aS`° harníony