Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ZDe cOE an & o farnitp 1á0ß3k. 2 ;0 harmony of their do&rine and lives. 3. The Goodnep and Love ofGod, appeared in their wonderful Holincls, Self-denyal and Love to fouls. I V. All the fame Tmpreflionsof the Holy Spirit,ap- pearedon the Chriftians who were Converted by the Apofties, and received their Telironyof Chrift, and delivered it downwards unto us. I. Miracles of one hindor other were common among them long. Even among fuch culpableChurches as the Galatians, 3. I, 3.) and the Corinthians, < 2 Cor. 13. 1,50 2. Prophets and Teachers ofeminent Wifdom, without Univerfities or much previous Rudy, were fuddenly made fuch by the Holy Ghoft, I Cor.7. & 12. 3. Their Love and Holinef was wonderful : God was all to them ; and the world and life it Pelf was as nothing : fo that they Hand yet as patterns of Love and Goodnefs and Patience to this day. V. The Sacred (c) Gofpe! and Doctrine it felf de- livered by Chrift and hisApoflles, Both to this day vi- fibly bear this Image andfftperfcription of God. I. In the works ofPower there recorded, and in the Powerful Truths ofit, which conquer the world, the flefh and the devil. 2.In its wonderful wifdom, and prophecies ful- filled, and clear dire&ions for mans falvation. 3. In the Goodnefs of it fell' and its .deign, being the" Glafs in which we fee Gods face,the immortal feed, the fan&i., fier of fouls, the moll wonderful declaration of Gods Love and Arniablenefs, and his deed of Gift of Life (c) I Pet. I. 23.1 Pet. 2.2.7019.6.63 .4e. I Y. 14. Rom. Io.8Col.I.S.Heb.q..I2.Prov.Jo.5.P I2.5,6. d" 19. 7,S,9. Ifoh.5. 910)1I)12$ ,Eternai.