24? SIRpmMariofamitP Ö0k. Eternal. So that Gods deepImprinted Image and fuper2 fcription telteth us that it is the WordofGod. V I. La{tly, The fame (d) Holy Spirit dot!) by this fame word, Imprint the fame Image of God on every believer from Adam to this day ; but in aGreater degree, fince theAfcenfion of Chrift and promulgation of the Gofpel : So that if anyman havenot the fpirit of Chrift, it is becaufe he is none of his, Rom. 8. 9. All that are faved have, I. The Spirit of Power, which quickeneth them to God as from the dead ; and enableth them to overcome the world and the fleth, and to forfake their deareft fins. z. They have all the fpirit of Wifdom OT a fotnd mind, by which they pad-ically and powerfully andfavingly know God, and Chrift, and Heaven, and the beauties andmyfferies of Holinefs,and theevil of fin, the vanity of theworld, and the madnefs and mifery of the wicked : In a word, They are wife to God and to falvation, though in their generation the men of this worldmay be wifer than they. 3. They have the fpirit of holy Mlle, to God and Man, and to themfelves for Gods fake, z Tim. TheyLove God above all, and Lovehim in his works and efpecially in his Word and Saints, and Love to do (d) 27Jhef.i.13. I 70h:3.24.Rom. 8.9, 13. Ga/.4.6. I 7012.4. , 3. I `foh.5. 9, Io. I foh.5.6.Phil.I.19,27.& 2.I.C. 3.3.Ezek;36.26,17.& 37.14. & 39.29. & I I. 19.6. Ig.31,& c. Eph.I.13, 17. yob. 3. 5,6. & 7. 39. .Rom.2.39.('i 8.I,16,23,26.& I2. I I. I Cor. 6.I I,17. 2 C o r . 3 . 3,17. I Cor.' 2.I 2, 13 . Gal. 3. 14. & 5. 5. to the end. Eph. 2.18,22. & 3.16. & 4.3, 40 & 5.9, 18. Phil. 1.19, 27.62.1. 03.3 goc,d