IEDe Poo; 9 anofamiipZook. 24L good to all they can, and think not life too dear to ex- ercife and manifeft this Love. Nowthis Holy ImageofGod is firft printed on the Gofpel as afeal; and by it as the Inftrument, and by thefpirit as the hand, it is imprinted on the fouls of all Believers. And how is it pofliible for God to fet a plainer eMarkofhis approbation on Chrifts Gofpel, & to tell the world that it ishis owns more clearly than by the HolySpirit, thus Witneffing to Chrift by all tilèfe fixparticular inftances? 1. The fpirit on the Prophets and Covenant that foretold Chrift; 2. The fpirit on Chrift himlelf. 3. The fpirit on the Apoftles. 4. The fpirit on the firft Churches. 5. The Imprefs of the fpi- rit on the Gofpel it felf. And 6. The fpirit on all be- lievers inall Generations. Andnow you may fee why I told you, that by the S P I RI T as Chrifts Advocate, Agent, andWitnefs, I meananother thing, than an inward fuggeftion of the fpirit telling us that this is the word of God : that by Witnefs I mean efpecially [Evidence.] Even as the Be- ing of a Rational foul in all men, having the faculies of Vital Ation, Vnderftandingand Free-will,do prove by evidence, that a God who hath Life, Vnderftanding and Will, is their Creator ; fo the Regenerating of not one or few, but) all true Believers,by the ..Zsickening Illuminating and Converting work of the Word and Spirit conjun&, powerfully giving us a new Vital- aEtivity, Wifdom and Love to Godand holinefs, doth in the fame fort prove by way of Evidence, that God is the Author of the new-creature, and confequently, the Ownerofthe Gofpel that is ufed thereunto: And alfo henceyou may fee why I told you that it is not only the Subtilewit of the Learned, but much more theHolinefs of every Regenerate foul, that belt help- eth