242 SIRPaac2 ano fatuity 'Zook. eth men to a confirmed belief of the Gofpel. If you are trulyfanthfled, youhave the Witnefs in your Pelf , I Joh.5.7,8 9, i o, II. You have ChriI.s fandifying f iirir,which is his Mark,his Advocate andAgent in you, and your earneft,and pledge & firftfruits of eternal life, By this youmay know that thrift is true, and that you are the Child of God, even by the f irit which he hash given you, I Joh. 3. 24. kom. 8.9, 16, z6. Ga1.4. 6. As the likenefs of the Child to the Father is his Evi- dence, fo is the divine nature and Image on the Re- generate. None but God can thus Regenerate fouls And Godwould not do it by a doc`lrine that is falfe,' to honour it and to deceive the World. And this Love to God) and Holy nature which is in you, is the feed of God, which will not fuller you to deny your Fa- ther, your Saviour and your Regenerator. You fee nowhow the weakefl may prove Chrift and his Gofpel to be true, and may Rand fall againft all the affaults of the Devil even by the Great Witnefs of the Holy Spirit, and not in any Phanatick fence orfeigned ope. rations. S. The Lord help me to underftand and remember it. You have Paid that which already I fee to be the Light itPelf, and feel it give force ftrength to my belief. c./Ind thoughI was ready to ask, you, How l fball be fure that the Htftory ofallthefe things andMiracles is true ? Tet now I an itnfwered by this continued Evidence, which is not far off, but is in me, and down to the end of the World is continually at hand to anfwer doubts. P. The Hiffory of there Miracles and other fads is allo delivered down to us with as great ad- vantage, as our As of Parliament, and that there were fuch men as _Alexander, Caffr, and Gonftan- tine