Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

IncPoo? ano famíipZook. 243 time in the World, which are molt eafly proved true. S. Big have none ofthe Heathens had the fpirit, who knew not Jefaudrift ? P. In what meafure they had ir, and whether to their falvation, I pafs by : But as it is the Light ofthe Sun it felf, which appeareth before Sun-rifing, fo was it the Spirit ofChrift himfelf, which illuminated Good men before Chrifts Incarnation, under the ftrft Edition of the Covenant ofgrace : Andalfo which gave the Heathens that meafure of Wifdom and Virtue which they had. But all was much lets than what true Chriftians com- monly have, fince the Sun is rifen S. Butyou have not yet toldme, how they that have nottheffiirit,(hall be convinced of the truth of Chrifl ? P. Do you not fee that theWork of the Spirit which I have opened toyou are fuch, as a ftander by that is Rational and true tohis own Con fcience, cannot deny ? Might not an unregenerate man have feen the Miracles ofthe Prophets and Chrift and the Apoftles, and been convinced of them and of Chrifts Refurre&ion by hi- ftorical certain evidence? May he not be convinced of Gods Image on the Gofpel it felf, and ofthe Holinefs and Wifdom ofthe Godly, and plainly fee that the Righ- teous is more excellent than his Neighbour,and perceive the fpirit by its fruits? Doubriefs he may, if Malignity blind him not. S. Iperceive by this, that it greatly concerneth all Chrifts fervants, to cherifh and obey the fpirit, and to grow in Grace, and live very holy and heavenly, and effiecially Loving and fruitful lives, when their holinefs is to be the ftanding witnefs for Chrift and the Gofpel to the world, from age to age ? Andthat the fins of Chrifi- ansare agreater wrong to Chris"than ever I beforeima- ginede R 2 P, I