Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

T. I will give youone proofofthat from the words of Chrift himfelf rob. 17.2I, 22, 23. Chrift pr'ay- ethfor them that (hall believe on him by the word,Lthat they all maybeone, as thou father art in me, and I in thee, that they alfo may be one in us, that the world may believe that thouhaft fens me : And the glory which thougaveft me, I havegiven them, that they may be one even as we are one : I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfeìt into One, and that the World may know that thou haftfens me, and haft loved them as thou haft loved me.] S. Tars text isfo vehement and layetbra much of the Glory ofChriftsans, andfo much of the convincing evi- dence of Chriftaanity to Convert the World, upon the Unity of ,ielievers, that it ftirreth up in me a greater fear of Schi[ms and Divifions and See`ts than I had be- fore. 1prayyou therefore add afhorsCharaEter of each fd, telling me what evil is in each one which 1 mufß avoid. P. That I muff not do now, I . Left I be tedious: 2. Andwhat I give you in writing will not be read by any of thufe Se&s, if they find a word againft them. felves. I will nowconclude with there five Graces and duties, which muff be your general helps againft all Temptations what foever. L You muft (e) grow in holy knowledge: Children and fools are eafilier cheased than the wife. (e) I Pet. 2.2. 2 Pet. 3 .Ió. 2 rhff. I.3. 411. 1.177 I g. 3.10. Pr0v.7 4-. 15, Ir. You