'CD e noo; ano farnfCp 'Book. 245 I I. You muff come to a full Refolution. Refolve ra- ther to die than wilfullyfin. An unrefolved perfon en- courageth thetempter, and is more than half overcome already. I I I, Befearful of fanning, as confcious of your bad- nefs, and the multitudeof Temptations : And let watch. fulnefa be your confiant work. IV. Be fure that your Heart and Life be wholly given up to God, and filled with good,and tlill employed in his fervice ; And then theTempter will neverfind you .Difpofedor at Leifre for his turn. An empty heart (much more aearn ti) and an idle life, is ready to en.. tertain any motion unto fin. V. LookHill by faith to Chrifl and his Spirit as your only ftrength. And rrufl not to your own Vnderfland- ing , Goodne f , or RefLtions For man of himfelfis very mutable. The Lord that bath Converted you, confirm you and preferve you. The