Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Itbe pow atto farrtíip 113ooti. II care and labour of our lives, whilft our fouls are al-, molt forgotten and neglected ? S. God forgive zu ; we forget all this, though we have dailyand hourly remembrancers, till death isju,i upon as, and then we do (u) perceive our folly. I ac once fack,, and like to die, and then I was troubled for fear what would become of me: And Y fully reflved to mend my life : But when .1 was re- covered, all wore off, and the world and the fíefh tool;, placeagain. P. But you are a Man and have the ufe of Reafon. Whenyou confefs that you are unready to die , and havedone no more to make fure work for your foul, tell me, what fhift make you to lie down quietly to fleep, left you fhould die and be paff hope before the morning? Are you not afraid in the morning left you Mould die before night, and never have time of Re- pentance more? What fhift make you to forget that if you die unready and unconverted, you are a loft and miferable man for ever ? Are you fure at (w) night to live till morning ? Are you fure in the morning to live till night ? Are you not fure that it will not be long? Do you not know by what a wonder of provi- dence we live ? How many hundred veins and arteries and finews and other parts our bodies have, which muff every one be kept in order ? So that if one break or be ftopt, or ifour blood do but corrupt or fowre, or our other nourifhing moiflure be diftempered, or our fpi- rits be quenched, how quickly are we gone ? And dare youwilfully or negligently live one day, unpre- (u) Pfal.7833,34,354-c. (w) Prov.27.I.Mat.24. 44. 4,14k:12.19,20,4. pared