14 Abe loo? 9, an famííp 'Zook. by there trifles than by his God ? and fetteth more by a little meat and drink and beaftly pleafure, for a few dayes, than by an endlefs Heavenly Glory ? That careth more for a body that muff rot in the earth, than for a never dying tout ? That fpareth no pains to avoid Marne and poverty and ficknefs; and will do little or nothing to avoid everlafling Ihame and pain and horrour in Hell ? Tell me, if your wife and child fhould behaverhemfelves but half as madly about the . things of this world, would you not fend them to Bedlam, or ro a ;Phyfician prefently, or bind them . and ufe them as the mad are ufed ? And is it not a pitiful hearing, to hear one that is thus mad for bis poor foal, to neglect it Rill and cart it away, and fay hedoth it for fearof being mad ? More pitiful a thou- fand times, than to hearone in Bedlam fay ; I dare not take Phyfick left it make me mad. Were fuch madnefsa difeafe, it were but like a fever or another ficknefs, for which God would not punifh us, but pity us If you should fall into direafedmadnefs or melancholy, though it is a fad difeafe, it would not damn you for iris no fin. But when teen have Reafon for trifles and none for their falvation, and are wife in nothing but unprofitable vanities, and cunning to cheat them- felves out ofall their hopes of Heaven, and to go to Hell with eafe and honour, God biefs us from fuch wit as this. 3. But I ask you further, what is there in God, in Chrifl, in Heaven, or in a Holy life,, that fhould make a manmad to think of it ? I befeech you, Neighbour, Confider what weare talking of. Is not (z) God bet ter than your houfe and land and fports ? Is he not a (z.) Pfal,73 , 25,26128s Pfa4Pf.63. Phi/.3., 8. better