Pow fflano famitpZook. 17 !inners, who have lived fo debauchedly in drunken- nefs, or whoredom, or committed Perjury or murder, that Confcience did more terrifie them than they were able tobear. But thiswas not from any harm that the y apprehended in a Godly life, but becaufe they had been fo ungodly: This was bury the fruit of their former rcickednefs, and partly Gods jufiice that will not pardon heinous finners, till he hath made them per- ceive fin is evil, and that they muff indeed be be- holden tohis mercy and to Chrift. But ufually when God hath broken the hearts of fuchmen by his terrours, he tenderlybinds them up with comforts, and maketh thofe terrours very profitable to them, as long as they live. O how precious is Chrift to fuch ? How fweet are the promifes of pardon and falvation ? flow odicus is fin to them all their lives after ? But if it (hould fall out, that fuch a wicked man Repenting, fhould never recover from his melancholy fadnefs, it is a thoufand times better and more hopeful State, than he was in before, whenhe went on in fin with prefumption and delight. 3. And there is another ufe too Common, like the cafe of force women that in travel are hurt by an un- skilful Midwife. Every poor Repenting finner is not fo happy as to fall into the hands of a wife experienced Counfellour to dire& him : But fotne do diftra& mens minds about different opinions in Religion , and talk to a poorinner for this fide, and again& that fide, or about matters that are paf} their underffan- dings : And force do not clearly and fully open the nature of the Covenant of Grace, which giveth Chrift and life to all true Confenters, nor feek fuificiently by opening the Riches of Grace and Glory, to wiry mens hearts o±r ,,Dove to God ; but bend thetnfelves much C more