Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

346 TUCPoo? S. But may not an unregenerate man come, that thinkethhe isfincere, anddoth mifla ? P. He may not Lawfully come : For I. He is a Refufer of Chrift and his benefits : May the unregenerate And the work there to be done, Communicate. is to profefs that he Accepteth him, and truly Confenteth to his Covenant : And fhóuldhe falfy come and profef Ac- ceptance andConfent, who dotb it not indeed, nor will not beperfwaded to it ? The queftion is whether it be lawful folemnly to lie ? He that is truly willing to have God for his God, and Chrift for his Saviour, Teacher and Lord, and the Spirit for his Sanctifier, is a true Chriftian and may come : And he that (1) will not, mutt not lie, by taking Chrift in Reprefentation, when he refufeth him in heart and deed.Nor may he outward- ly take the figns ofthofe benefits, (pardon and life) which indeed he is uncapable of. S. ?hen itfeems the Pallor mull not receivefuch. P. The Pallor muff receive (m) Hypocrites that areunknown to him tobe fuch : For it is only God and Confcience that know the heart : It maybe my duty to receive an Hypocrite when it is his fin to come, and claim ir. S. But what if the openprofane¡hall come ? P. The (n) Paftors have the Church keyes , and are its Guides : and they are to keep out all that are not Baptizedand profeffed Covenanters with Chrift ; and tocat out all who are obflinate and Impenitent in a wicked life, which is contrary to the ,Éffence of their (l): Cor.I I.28,z9,30. (m) A18. I 3. (1a) I Cor, 5 Mat.T8.15,16'I¡,18. rSThef.j.12,13.Hcb.13.7, 17. Covenant ñ,