x 348 `De Pao? 'f.. ano ,.arrr_.too.. 2. To (o) examine our felves both whether we continueour unfeigned ConPent to the Covenant of God, and alto whether we live according to our Covenant, in a Godly, fober, righteous and charitable life, and live not in any wilful fin ; and whatfalls we have been guilty of: And accordingly to humble our felves to God and to man where the cafe requireth if-) by true Repentaìnce : And to ask them forgivenefs whotowe have wronged, and to forgive them that have wronged us ; that we may be fit to receive forgivenefsfromGod, and for Loving Communion with himandhisaurcb. 3. Toconfider before-hand, what we are to do when we come to the Sacrament,.and what we are to Receive. S. I I. Youhave toldme what-the Preparation muff be : Willyou now tell me ávhat I" muß do at the Sacra- ment P. In General, You muff renew your Covenant with God inChrift, andReceive renewed mercies from him. Inparticular r . You muft ftir up and exercife, A firm Belief oftheDoc Trine of the Gofpel, the truth of Chrift and the World to, come. 2. A lively fenfe of your fin and mifery, your need of Chrift, his blood and Spirit ; a loathing of your felf and fins, and a high efteemofhim and of his grace. 3. A hungring and thirfting after him, and his Grace, and Communion with God;. 4 Athankful fenfe of the wonderful Love ofGod inour Redemption.. °.5, The exercife of Love to him that hatl` thus Loved us, and of fey in the fenfe of fogreat falvation. Love and yoy are the lifeof our (o)' i Cor. i i.28 29 Sacra;