Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

IncPoo? fpanz IFamálpZook. 3 49 Sacramental Communion. 6. A quieting Confidence in Chrift and his Covenant now iealed'tous. 7: A renunciation of all other Love and Hopes, and Carnal worldlypleafures and felicity, forfaking all inheart for Chrift, and ready to , fuffer for him whofe (p) fuffer- ings fave us. 8. A hearty love to one another, and great defire of the Vnity of Believers, and readinefs to Communicate to their wants. 9. You mull renew the Devoting and giving upyour felf to God, your Father, Redeemer and Sanctifier : with a firm Refolution fn- cerely to cleave unto hire, and obey him, to the death. z o. You mutt~ do all in Hope of Chrifis fecond coming, and of everlaffing life. All thefe Graces muff be exercifed in the Sacrament. S. What have I thereto move me to all this ? P. I. 71. ou bring with you a finful foul to humble you. 2. You have Gods Truth there fealed , and Chrift Crucified reprefented, and freely offered you, to exercifeyour Faith ; And all his benefits and falvation given you, to exercife your Delires, Thankfulnefs, Love and Joy. 3. You have the bread of life there . broken to you, and theSpirit of Chrift there given you with his body and blood, to f{ir up your appetite after Holinefs. 4. You have the odioufnef offin and the Jasflice ofGod, prefented to you in the Commemoration, ofthe Sacrificed Lambof God. 5. You have afealed pardon of fin given you, to teach you thankfulnefs, and refolution of new obedience. 6. You have a Commemoration of Chrift, till he come in Glory, to keep up your hope and defire of that Glory which he . purchafed and prepareth for you. 7. You have the. (p) zCor.1z.zG,27,Z8,Z9,3o.