Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

3 5 0 she poor 9i,anofault) 'hook. moll wonderful demonftration of the Love of God, givinghis Son and all his mercy to his Enemies, and promifing you life eternal by him, to win your heart to the Love of God. 8. Yore havea fight of him that defpifed all the Riches, and honours and pleafures of the world, and willingly hanged on the Crofs as if he had been a Malefac`for ; And all this to pleafe God , condemn fin, and fave fouls : To thew you how the flefhand world and life it fell is tobe forfaken and con- temned, and at what rates Godmuff be pleafed, and how highly fouls muff be valued. 9. You have the Church beforeyou, as one Body, partaking of one Bread, ane Cup, one Chrifl, to thew you how Love and Unity muff be valued. io. And you there are a Receiver of the figns, and give up your fe/f to him that giveth them to you, to thew that you Receive Chrift and his falvation, and are obligedand abfolutely devoted to him, to ferve him in Thankful obedient Love. S. Direr me when and how to do all this ? P. I. Whenyou are (q) Calledand Going up to the Table, remember with humble Thankfulnefs, to what a feaf} Gods mercy freely inviteth fuch an un- worthy fanner. 2. When the Minifter is Conf ring fin, cart down your foul inpenitent confeflionof your own fins. 3. When you fee the Bread and Wine provided for this ufe, remember that it is the Creator of all, by whom we live, whom we have offended: 4. When youhear the words of the rnftitution read, remember that (r) Love which prepared and gave us a Redeemer. (q) ?;?at. Luke I¢. Cant .5.1 . Ifit. 55e. 31,I7.(r)J 'xohn3.I6.I john" i.