Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

111)e !pow : ano fatnílp 13o4. 3 5 3 P. I. Choofe fiech Matters to (e) e`Yfeditate on, you have greatefl ufe for on your heart : Which is above all I. The Of Meditation. Truth of the Gofpel andof the Life to come tó confirmyour withand Hope. 2. The Ix finite Goodnefs and Lave of God in Chrift, and the ,joyful State ofthe bleffed in Heaveñ,to enflame your Love, and Heavenly defires and Joyes. 3., The fufj'i ciency ofChrifi, in all cafes ; tò exercife your Corn. munion with him by faith. 4. The operations of the Spirit ; thät you may know how to receiveand improve them. 5. The nature of all duties, that Youmay knout, how to do them. 6. The evil and nature of every fin; and the wayes of all temptation that you may know. how to avoid or overcome them. 7. The nature of all mercies, that youmay ihnñkfully improve them. 8. The ufe of afflit1ions, and:the nearnefs of death, and what will be thennecef3ary ; that you may be pre- pared with faith and patience, and al! tray be your gain; I L For the `time and Length Of Meditation, let it be (whether at your work, or when you do nothing elfe) at your belt opportunity and leiftire. And let it be as long as your Time will allow you without teg lettingany other duty, and as your Head can well tear it. Forfolidfober men can carry on long and regular Meditations é But Ignorant : weal¿, men nmfl take up withPort and broken thoughts like fbort prayers and Melancholy people are unfit for any rnafings or; e) Gen. 24.63ö 3-01h. I. 8, rid. r. a. 6. 63.6ò I Tim.4.2 56 l'jal. 104.14.5' I 29.97a99a i5,=348, 78, 148. d- 243.5. 6- 77.12. A r Mee4-7,'