354 1 C l0002 no ami p oo Meditation at all. For to do that which they cannot do, will butmake themworfe. ZII. As for the work it felf; Obferve how profitable '.Minißers preach :and even fu in Meditation do you (f) Preach-to your 'own heart. I. Confider of the Meaning ofthe matter, and Vnderfßand it. 2. Con- fider o(he Truth of it, and Believe it. 3. Confider how it is molt Vfeful to you. And there Convince your Confeience by evident Reafons : Difgrace your fins byodious aggravations : Invite your foul to God and Chrift and Goodnefs by fpreading the Amiablenefs ofall before it. Chide your Pelf 1harply for the fins you find : Stir up your 'felf earneftly by all the power- ful Motives that are before you. Comfort your foul, by fpreading before it the prefent and the everlafting Joyes Support it by°tbiilking on the Grounds of faith : And Dire it into the right wayof duty, and drive it toRefolve an Promife obedience, for the time tocome. And in all this fet learnefs and Livelinef concur.. For as it is thofe that ake a good Preacher ., fd it is thofe that make a prdfitabie Meditation. Preach not coldly and drowfly.tlo your hearts, but even as you would have a Minifter preach. I tell you, the benefit of fuch Meditation is very great : Few men grow very wife or very good that ufe it not. We are full of our felves, and near our felves and know our own hearts, better than others do ; And (f) Pfal.16.2,3e;" +2.11,2)455,11.6 43.5.c'r 62. I, 5.. d- 63.8. & 86..¡}.. ; 103.1, 2, 22. ;. ó.Ta35 , 4 16. 7,&C. ` Ú 1... I . 1.1 ra. 49. . any