Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

cog pop? ano faná.ip Zan. 3 s s manywill hear and learn of themfelves that will hardly hear and learn ofothers. And fecret duties have ufually tnoft fincerity. S. Iwouldnext intreat you to teach me, how to Pray I infcret. P. I told you in part before. I now only add, L IJnderfland well what it is that you muff Defire in your Heart, and in Of fecret Prayer. what Order: And their you will have a Habit ofPrayer in you, when you have got a habit of thofe Defires. For Defire is the life of Prayer. To this end, Rudy well.thetrue meaning ofthe (g Lords Prayer. For that is the platform, and the very feat that fhould imprint the fame matter and Order of De- fires on your foul. I have elfewhere opened that Prayer at large. (h) IL Whenyou have got this Impreffionofholy Defres on your heart (you are then a Chriflian indeed ) Let the expreffng or wording of them be according to occafions : You are not alwaies to flea them juft in the Order as they are inyour heart and in the Lords Prayer : For (i) particular occafions may call you oft to mention forne particular fins, wants or mercies, without then mentioning the reft ; or to mention them more largely than the reft ; as there is Caufe. (g) e.Mat. ti.6, 9. Rom. 8. 26. (h) In my Chrifliar Direc`iory. (i)So did the Apofitles oft. erf.ra. I .24. 4; 3z4- 6.6.o,- 8.154- 940.d- 28.8. A a 2, JiI. Think