3 5 6 itig PONS Mang( jamí[p 15Doti. III. Think not . that youhave prayed,;. when yóur tongue bath gone(k) without your heart : Therefore get the deepen fenfe ofyour fins, wants and mercies, and labour more with your Hearts than with yourTongues: And out of the abundance and treafure of a feeling, fervent heart,, the tongue will be able fo to fpeak as that God will accept ir. IV.Go to God only in the (l)Name ofChrifl,inTruft ¡upon his Merits and Interceffïon : Put all your prayers as into his hands, to offer them to God ; And expec`I every mercy from God as by his hands. For fnce fin defiled us, man can have no happy Communion with God in himfelf, but by a Mediator. V. (m) Live as you pray, and think not that con- felling fin toGod will excufe you for continuing init. And labour for what you pray for : And think not that praying is all that you have to do, to get Gods grace, any more than to get your food and rayment : But you muff Labour, and beg for Gods blefiìng thereon. About Forms and Family prayer, I fpake before. S. Iprayyou brieflydirer meforgood Conference. I'. I: Be (n) furnifned for ir, by a good under- Handing and a zealous foul: For as Of Conference. a man is, fo will he fpeak : The in- warddifofition is all in all. Pf1.142.2. 6 42.4.E 62.8.Lam.2. Iq. Nat. 75.8. (1) I Jahn 2. I2., ohn 14.13 14.t I5.16.4('í^' 16. 2 _ . 14,26.1 Tim.2.5.Heb.7.25.Ron1.8.34. 2 7äm.4.. i6. (fn) Luigi z2.4ó,46.6 2I. 36.(a)Mat. 12. 34, 35, 36. 13.52.-Pfal.ii946. 1454)6, 2. When,