Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

358 VLDe pow V.4n0 family 'Zook witty and learned than themfelves, I advife them to fay little to fuch, unlefs to name fome plain Text of Scri- pture which may Convince them : And inftead of the reft, i . To get them to read fome fit Books : 2 And toget them to difcourfe with fome Minifters or others that can overwit them, and ilence all their Cavils. S. Ihave but one thingmore to defire now : That yore will teach me how to kLeep dayes of Humiliation and Thankfgiving in private and in publick, P. I would not overwhelm you with precepts : A little may ferve for both there, Of dayes of humiliation betides what is laid on other fub. and Thankfgiving. jec`ts. I. In publick the Pafiors muff choofe the Time of Humi- liations and Farts, with the order andwords andcircum- fiances of performance. But inprivate your difcretion muff be choofer. And it muff be i. After fome 'Great fin. 2. Or in fame great danger or :judgement, private or publick. 3. Or when fome great mercy is defired, or work,to be done. And fo Thankfgivings aretfor Great mercies anddeliverances. 2. The manner of humiliation is, by due eq) fall.. ing and confeffion and prayer to humble the foul pe. nitently-for fin, and beg the mercy which we want : And the manner of Thankfgiving, to (r) Rejoice fobcr.lyand J irituaily, with moderate feat ing when that is convenient, and give God Thanks for his mercy, and beg the grace to improve ir, and renew our devo. lion and refoluttons ofobedience. (I) Eft.4.16. ,7oel r .14,15, t 6. Ezr, S.2á, &c. (r) f 9.r7;