ViePilo? Mangyram tipZook. 359 3. The outward parts (faffing and hafting) muff not bemade a form or Ceremony of, nor judged to be pleafing to God meerly in and for themfelves : But muff be chofen . only as means which help us to their proper ends, Humiliation and Thanksgiving ; and maybe varyed as mens cafes and bodies differ. The weak may be Humbled (f) without falling, or with Ids And the poor and the ficklymay give thanks without Feaffing, or with little. And all muff take heedof offering Goda Sacrifice of the fin of fenfttality and excefs. 4. (t) True Repentance in Humiliation, and in creafedLovero God in Thant sgiving, and true Est- formation of life by both, is the great end to be aimed at ; and all that attaineth not, or truly intendeth not that end, is vain. But fo much for this prefent Conference. (f) e-Mat.ç.13. 12.7.(t) Rom.Iq.. 17. 1 C®? ,éN Ifa.58.z)& c. l'fal.5o.14,r$,23.Pfal.i6.i Cons. 8. A, a 4,