Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

au( familp Mook ftittMOti$MtMtttA Viiáóóó'öéï8móSÓSÇá3& TheNinth dayesConference. DireFlions for afafe andComfortable Death. I'aul, A Teaçet., Speakers. Saul, A Lear4ers Saul. 47, I have been fince I faw you wittt diversofmy .Neighbours at their death AndI fee thai weaknefs andpainofBody, and the terrours of death, and the fir offriends and Phyficians, are fo great impediments to mens preparation then, that I earnefily intreat you to help me to make ready while I am in health. For I am loth to leave fogreat a worktofo rpeaka fate, andfofad, andPort uncertain time. P. it is Gods great mercy toyou to ,.make you fo wife, There is nothing in which Awakening troughts the follyofungodly men Both more of death. appear, than in delaying their fe- rions preparations for death, Is there any man fo brutithas not to know thathe mull die ? And he is fcarce a man, much lefs a Chriftian, who