CiePoo? : a` ano family 'Zook. 36 r whobelieveth not that Deathwill pats him into another fine of life. There is no man can doubt but this changed isfore, and very near ; And no man knoweth how near - or when. And O how great a changewill it be ? The Body which was fpruced up and pampered, which mutt now be honoured and pleated and preferred, muftthen become a loathfome. Corps : The pleafant Cups, the delicious food, the adorned rooms, the gay attire, the foft beds, the delightful gardens, walks and fields, the honour and precedency, power and Command, are all at an End, and turned into adark and filent grave s The flefh that muft be daily pleated, and nothing is too good for it, muft be an ugly black and ftinking Carkafs, many years rotting out of fight and linen, left it fhould annoy the living and mar their mirth, before it can come to be dry and lets abbominable dull, and equal with the common Earth. (a) Houle and Lands, wealth and honour, greatnefs and vain-glory, (ports and worldly pleafures, are wholly at an end and will follow them no further, but be to them as if they had never been. And the foul muft appear in another fociety, among the fpirits : that have finifhed their courfe on earth,and are gone before to receive their doom : There it mull fee what before weheard of; Either the Hellich mifery of undone fouls, which have call away all their hopes for ever, and the wicked Devils whichdeceived them ; Or the perfe6ted Spirits of the jutl, the Glorious Angels, our Glorified Redeemer, and the molt Glorious God. There they will loon fee; theTruthofthat Word and that World which they doubt- edof And quickly feel what they muft truft to for (a) Luke 16. ever`