ViePoo? anz fa1nílp 'took. than that which all mens tonguescpnfefs. It is a fhame either for the Preachers or hearers, that fo many Ser- mons are preachedofDearh ! If therebe no need of it, the fhame is ours :.But if there be, the fhame is theirs. Oman ! What a dark, and dead and fottifh thing art thou become, that haft need to be told that thou muff die ! and need to be told it at every funeral ! yea every day I and all too little l As if the place which we meet in dial not tell it us,where we tread on the duff of fo manyggenerarions ! And within a yard or two of our feet, fotne Cakaffes lie in black and loathfome rotten- nefs, and the skulls and bones ofothers forget what once theywere pleafedwith on Earth ! Our difeafes and painsofbody forewarn us : Our weotrinefs in our la- bours tells us that we have a body that muff break at laff. Our. Grey hairs tell us, as the golden leaves on the trees inAutumn, That our fall is at hand. Our Chil- dren tell us, that others are rifing up in our f}eads , while we are going offthe ffage. Every bit that we eat and cup that we drink cloth tell us what bodies we have, that can be no longer upheld than new reparations are daily made of their decaies. Our every nights fleep warneth us, to prepare for that sleep, from which the refurrec`}ion onlywill awake us. All the poor beaffs, and birds and fifties whole lives muff go to keep up ours, do tell us that ourown will not be long, and that we mull die as well as they, and that a life maintained by fo many lives at fo dear a rate, fhould be well (pent, for his fervice that giveth, us thefe and all. Whenwe plow up and dig the Earth for our feed, and> cal it in, where it muff corrupt before it fpring up again, wedobut repreftnt the digging of our graves, and the burialofthis body till the riling day. Every time that theSun fetteth at night and riffeth again the next