Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

364 CO Poo? 3au; famíip tooh. next morning, it warneth us how our liven muff fet and rifeagain : And fodoth every fall and fpring. Every belt that tolleth or ringed) for the dead is our call to prepare to follow them : Yea every bell that calleth to the Church doth tell us, that the fame bells muff fhortly be tolled for our burial. Every clock that ftriketh, every watch that moveth, every hour-glafs that runneth, bath a voice to call fenfelefs liniers , See and hearOMan or Woman, how thy time paífeth away ! How quickly will thy laft (b) hour come ! Yea every breath that we fetch our felves, and every ftroke that our pulfe doth beat, doth call to fanners, Your dayes are numbred ! It is determined how many more breaths you muff breath, and how many times more your putteemuff beat ! your laft pulfe and your laft breath is near at hand. Owhat abundance of Preachers bave we to tell,us that we muff die, and yet men live as if they did not believe it, or never had been warned to pre- pare ! S. But flare, Sir, it is a thing that men lznow f welt that theyneed not be told that they muß die, but only be taught better how to preparefor it. P. I tell you to the lhame of corrupted nature that men have need to be told and told again a thoufand times, with the lowdeft voice that theymutt die. It was not a vain Leffon which the Philofopher taught the great Emperour, Remember that thou art mortal. O had I a voice that could be heard all over the Land ,. to cry to all men Remember that you muß die, and could I fpkk it to their hearts, it wouldawaken the fecure, it would unbefool the dreaming world, who are playing away their lives for nothing. I tell you (b) Mat. 2444. Luse 1249. Mat. 25. IO. the