liti)e Poo; .ano fainitpZook. 365. the Preacher that dothbut thunder this in the ears of a Ileepyworldly Congregation, O fanners, Tou muff die, Tou mutt die, asfure asyouare alive you muff die, doth not preach an etnfuitable.or unprofitable Sermon. If you believe me not, anfwer me thefe fewqueftions, .weft. i. Why elk are men fo furprized with the fears of death when it is juft coming ? They knew all their lives before that it would come ! And yet they liven:^rrily and carelefly till it is juft upon them I And then when the Phyfician tells them there is no hope, O what heart finking terrour ar2 they in, as if they had . never known that hey muttdie till now ! Sure there is a way tomake death lefs terrible. And why is not this way ufedin time? ffeeft. 2. And what maketh fuch a difference between their Healthy, and their Dying thoughts ? Now no- thingdoth relifh with them but theworld and the fleíh ; And then they cry out, The world i vanity. Now nothing is fo unwelcome to them as the motions of a holy life : But then they cryout with Balaam, Num. 23. tò. 0 that Imight die the death of the righteous, andmy laft end might be as his. Now Praying wea- ryeth t hem : But then they cry for mercy, mercy, and learn to pray without book, and without a Teacher ! New they cannot bear him that telleth them of their fins :'But then they can cry out as Judaa,l have finned. Now they muff not be (topped nor troubled in their fins: But then they trouble themfelves more, and cry out, O that I had the time again which I have loft ! O that God would try me once again ! Z tuld be a newman ! I would lead anew life !! I would never do as I have done ! Then they can be ferious in thinking of their change, and the dreadof it amazeth them, and O that they could make fure of Heaven 1 But now they regard