366 Inc pao; Manifatníip regard it as littlealmoff, as if he did not much concern them, while they have time and helps and warning to make Pure. Either this change is wife or note If not, why will theydo. it then ? If it be, why not now That which is befl then, is befl .now. Death fhóuld be the comfortable ending of a well fpent life And they make it either the terrible or the fenfelefs conclufion of a Iofers game, or a doleful tragedy. And all becaufe they be not awakened to Learn to die in the time of health. Reef?. 3. Why is it that their Teachers never hear themonce ferioufly enquire, How fhowld Imake ready Andhow (hall Iknow where I muff dwell for ever ? If we can afford them no help herein at all, why do they defire us to Counfel them on their death-bed ? If we can, why do we not hear this fooner from them ? Do you underfland Chrifls parable of the unjuft Steward, Luke z 6.4, 5. His wit is commended, that when he was to be turned away, he ferioufly bethought him, whither to go next, and provided himfelf of another habitation. Nature taught him tomake force provifion for his change. But we cannot get men that know paff doubt, that fhortly they muff leave this world for ever, to bethink themcarefully, whither they muff go next and how their poor fouls may find a comfortable enter- tainment withGod ! S. Ipray you nameforce of the benefits that would come to men, by the ferions warnings and thoughts of Death Otherwife we 'hall thinkthat it is but troubling us be- fore the time, with the fears of that which cannot be prevented, andfo the increafing of our farrows. P. 0 Friend l I tell you, Death is a powerful Preacher : It' teacheth many men that to the quick, which we have preached twenty Tears in vain We preach