Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

368 'CO Poo; anzfamiCp 15ook. as men in a boat which is all the while fwiftly carryed down the ftream, and will be quickly in the Ocean of Eternity : Nowonder if Paul adjure 'Timothy to moffi conftant and importunate Preaching, 2 Tim.4.,1, 2. And if Chrift fo often call out to finners, He that hàth an ear to hear, let him hear. All that we have to fay snuff be quickly faid ; And all that youwill Learn muff bequickly learnt : Even Nowor Never. Ohow many a hundred times have I rifen off my knees with fhame and confternation, to think that a dying man in fo great necebity, could pray no harder at the door of Eternity 1 And how many a time have I come down from the Pulpit, with fhame and grief, to think that 't could fpeak with no more affection to men that are fo near another world I That my heart did not melt over miferablefanners, and that I did notwith tears and im- portunity intreat them l That I could fo eafly and quietly go away without a grant of that which I came for, when I knew not that ever I. ihould fpeak to themmore I Me thinks Death fhouldmake us all bet- ter Preachers, and you better Hearers, were it well forefeen 1 Ir ftirr'd up Peter to fair up his, flock, know -` ing that fpeedily he muff put of his Tabernacle, 2 Pet. I.13314. It ftirr'd up maul to rowfe up Timothy to think that the time of his departure, was at hand, '2 ` Tim. 4. I,2,6. It moved him, and melted his hearers when he told them that they mull fee his face no more, 41.2o.3 8. S. What other benefit dothforefeenDeathbring ? P. 2. It teacheth us the wifeft eftimate of all the wealth and honour and Greatnefs of this world. For it fheweth them all to us in their final' ftate, and what they will prove to us in our greateft needs.' If all the Congregation were fure that they were to die to mor- row,