Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

e boo? ano familp Zook.. 371 S. What elfe learnyou bytheforefght ofDeath ?' P. 4. It reacheth men how tod" value their mirth and fenfual Delight: All the pleafure ofmeat, drink, playeks, of luft, and all your flefhly accommodations, are now paff and gone, and never shall return. There you may lee the skull and hole, where the meat and drink did once go in : But the delight is ended. And mull all come to this ? And yet will not men Peek more durable delights ? Your Swine and Ox is fed for your own table; and therefore it is worth the colt But is it worth the walling of your eftate and the lofs of your foul too, to feed and pamper a Corps for the worms or grave ? Is it,more comfortable to a dying man to, hear [You have lived a merry life in the world, ] or to know, that he (hall live in the Heavenly Joyes with his Redeemer ? S. What other Le,ffonwill Death teach u ? P. 5. It will teach us how to fj'end our rime. precious Time How bafely art thou efteemed by idJet, voluptuous and ungodly men ? Now they can play is away, and prate it away, and idle it away in a hundred vanities ; As if God had made their lives too long ; and they knew not what to dowith it ! But when they hear, Touarepaf$ recovery, O then for more Time ! O that, we might live but one year longer ! O that we had now all that Time to Repent in, and make lure of Heaven, which we fpent in fports and idlenefs and worldlinefs l O that we had lived as obediently to. God, and as holy lives as the ftrielef} Saints, fo we had but their fafety and hopes of Heaven ! O Time, Time, how art thon pal} away and gone, and all the world cannot call back one day or moment ! Owhat a hateful word is Paflim±e O happy men that have hearts to ufe it, for the ends that God created and Redeemed them, before it be too Bb Iare