eDP Jpoaq fDano faliiiip l53Gk. 373 the deluge, O what a wicked world would this be Covetoufnefs then would have rio reftraint. How dearly would men love this world ? Owhat flriv- ing then would be for it ! They that will live in fin, and fell Heaven for few years uncertain commodity here, what would they do for a thoufand years riches, or for the hopes of living here for ever ? But when this is written on all the worldlings doors, on his bodes, on his wealth, on his flefh Frhou muff die t Thou mug certainly and Portly die : ] this is it that mars the Markets of the world ! A fober look on a skull and Coffin, or a grave, doth blaff all the beauty of this world, and telleth Reafon it fell, it is but a dream : It writethVanity upon all. Who would fay, (e) Soul take thine cafe, eat, drink, and be merry, bow rich foever he were, if he looked not to poTefs it many years, but expec`f ed to hear Thou fool, this night fhallthy foul be requiredof thee ; and then whole' pall ail thefe things be which thou hat provided ? Now take thy houles, and land and money with thee if thou canl'c. At leaff take fo `much as will buy thee a drop ofwater to cool thy tongue. If death did not preach to worldlings, noother Preachers could be heard. It cryeth out to them [What mean you, finners to beftow all this labour for a f w dayes vanity ? Is it worth all this ftir to make your salva:ion more doubt- ful, and more difficult, as a Camels paflige through a needl's eye ? to increafe your load and double your temptations ? and all far the pleafures of fo fhort a life ! ] I f Death did not preach with us,we Ihould preach to little purpofe. (e) Lúke 12:19, 20. B b 3 2. And