374 Zhe ipao?@Dano famlp Zook. 2. And were it not for Death, Ambition would have no bounds : Iffilexarders and Cafars are fuch plagues to mankind while they are porting to the grave, what would they be, if they had any hope of an earthly ` im- mortality ? Then thegreat onesof the world would be great indeed ! How big would they look i How in- fòlently would they Lord it over the poor ! And hów cruellywould they opprefs and perfecute the innocent Nowonder then, if their flatterers were fo many and fo bare, as to make them think they were Gods, and to require a Divine obedience and honour. But forefeen Death Both curb this arrogance, and flandeth like Efamans Gallows before their own doors : As he was J-iigheft, he had the honour to be hanged bighef4. When Satan hath brought them to the Pinnacle of the Temple, they fee how low they have to fall : When lie bath brought them to the exceeding high mountain, and (hewed them the Kingdoms and Glory of the world, if they. accept them as his gift and on his dreadful germs, it is a wonder that withour terrour they are able to look down fo low, as Death afihures them they muff be cat. If you had the greateft entertainments on the battlements of the fteeple, and were fore that fhortly you muft be call down, it would fpoil the pleafure of them all. It's a brave thing for A2falorn to be a King, and for ochitophel to be his chief Counfellour : But had they both forefeen their hanging, it would have made them fooner hang down the head. Poor men and Preachers may thank God that the eangodly great ones of the world midi die, and that they are con- itrained to foreknow it : Or elle earth would be like WI; ani oppretroll and perjècastian would be the (late `-;f rmkind. Fsir man being in honour would have no tderflanding ! ïfnot both they and their pofterity go on