Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

el)ePoq : anz famtíp'3Sook. 375 on in the the follyof their way, when they abide not, but are a the beaJls that perifh, Pfalm49.12)13, 20® what would they do, if Death were not their in- itruftor ? 3. Were it not for death, fenftiality would have no refiraint ! Voluptuous Swaggerers would (corn re- proof ! The fornicator would not be athamed by the Light !nor the Drunkard fear what is in the bottom of the Cup ! Whowould not be (f) clothed with purple and fine linnen,and fare fumptuouílyand delicioully every day, that could ? O but this Death, this Death, is it that marreth all the mirth. When BelJhaz,z,ar Teeth the hand-writing on the wall, in all his jollity, his joynts do tremble. Eccl. 11.9. Rejoyce o young man in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee ; Walk in the way ofthy heart, and in the fight of thine eyes; Baat k,,now thou that for all thefe things God will bring thee into judgement. This is it that 1poileth all the (port. Re- member that thou danceft about the grave ! and death muff end the game at laff I I tell you, except the pro mile of the Life to come, there is nothing that fo much marreth the Devils markets, and fpits fo much fhame in the face of fin, as Certain, forefeen, approach- ing Death. And therefore the Devil is wifer than to come with the ordinary bait to a dying man : Should he then offer him Cards and Dice, and tempt him to fornication or to drunkennefs,yea or offer him Lands and dignities, he knows they would do nothing ! What's this to aman that muff die to morrow ? I con- clude therefore as Ecclef 7. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. It's better togo to the houfe of mourning; than to the heute of (f) Luse 16. Bb 4 fcaf2i :