Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

3;6 Spe p{ oo? gj'anz fan-till) oott. feaftin : for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart --Yhe heart of the wife is irx the Irousfe ofmourning, but the heart offools is in the houfe ofmirth. S. It is a wonder of ftupidity, that Reafonable men ran fo much forget fo great, and near and fure a change ; and that fo few do bethink., them, whither theirfinis änuft go, andwhere they mu' ff dwell next ? F. Some would have no Funeral' Sermons ; and I wóuld have almofi noother. All our Religion is but a continual-preparation for death Tolearn to die well, by learning and Prat:tiring to Believe and Love and Live well. Every Sermon muff teach men this. Men would have a Funeral Sermon when they are dead, that will not hear the fame doetrine while they live as if they had more care of the fouls of thole that furvive them than of their own. Look on their Tombes, andyou Thall fee them almoff all in a praying pofture with hands lifted up ; who prayed but feldoin and coldly while they lived: which flieweth what Confcience relleth men, will be belt at lahm ßn their death-beds they desire us to pray for their to God. And now God fendeth us to Pray to them for thenafelves, and they will not hear us, and yet think God muff hear us for them then God denyeth us nothing which he bath proni, fed : ifwe beg never fo hard of themfe Ives, but to 'care far'the falvation of their own fouls, we cannot pre-: vail wick them ; No no 'f>berly to remember that they muft die ; and to live assnen that do believe ir. Sa t cs tcrril le to' them ; and they are loth to be troableda P. . ifycuwere to be turned -out of your houfe at tarter. end, and I fi:ould I advife you to provide ^ i 3 ooi fay, I would not thinit of going