Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

e be, Poo? Mano famitp 015aat. 377 out, becaufe it is troublefome ? We muff go whether we will ornot : And (hall we not care whither ? z. Is it troublefome to think ofLiving for ever with ('hr. in Glory ? What then is pleafant ? or what more com- fortable thoughts will they choofe ? Is it better . to die like a Beaft, and to live nomore ? Ifthis miferable world Teembetter than Heaven to them, yet me thinks, Peeing they muff leave it whether they will or not, they Ihould be glad to hear howthey maybe next provided for, and thould never be at reft, till they had made fure of the EverlaftirtgHolyHeavenlyRef}. S. Wellfir, I pray you lay me down thole .DireEli ens by which I may in health prepare for a fafe and comfortable death. P. It will be needful that I firft tell you, I. Wherein your Readinef loth confift : II. And how much it is your Interefl How to make Rea- to be ready. III. How much it dy for death. is your! work and Duty to make ready; And then IV. to tell you Howyou mull do it. S. I likeyour order well : Iprayyou open the firfl. P. There are two Degrees of Readinefs for death : The firft is for a Sale death ; that you may be faved when youdie. The fecond for a Comfortable death; that youmay dieall() in peace and joy. o. All thof and only thole dieMay eiy and go to Hea- ven, who arePardoned by Chrifts blood, and Sanzcífaed by his Spirit : The Spirit of Chrift is your preparation: If you have that fpirit you are Mined, and fhall be faved ; For it is given you on purpofe to fit you for Heaven, and to be Gods Peal upon you, and the pledge, wa