Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

.378 110Pao? sci; ano famiipZook. and the earndft and firft-fruits ofyour celef}ial happinefs. Bleffedare the (g) Pure in heart, for they fhall fee God. 2. But that besides fafety+, you may have Comfort in your Death,it is allo neceffary I. That you have force certainty or knowledgc that indeed you have the Spirit. 2. That you have Faith, Hope, and Love (the graces of the fpirit) in fäsitable exercife. 3. And that the great impediments ofyour Comfort be removed. S. Wherein is this Readinefs toDie, our dntereft ? P. II. Nature it felfmay tell youmuch of that, and faith more. i. He that is not Ready for a rafe Death, is in a Bate of damnation : If he fo die, he is loft for ever : His endlefs ftate ofJoy or mifery dependeth on it. Where then can a mans interefi be fo much con- cerned ; Efpecially confidering that our flefh is frail, and liable to many hundreddifeafes every hour, and no man path affurance to live another day or night I O what a madnefs is it for fuch a perron, to live one day in an unprepared ftate, if he canpoffibly get out of it (as if he will, he may) i It is one of the moft notorious evi- dences, howmuch mans nature is enflaved by the Devil, that when they are fure to die ere long, and know not but eachhour or day may be their laft, and hear from Gods word, that As they are found at death, it mull go with them for ever,and that Without holinefs none {hall fee the Lord : yet theycan fleep quietly and rife care- lefty as ifall were well with them, while they live in an unregenerate unfanci faed {late. If fuch a p rfon did indeed believe Gods word, and were not dead or afleep in tin, furely his heart would meditate terrours ; He (g) e.Mat.5y would